Friday, March 18, 2011

checking in


So, what's new with you?

OK, enough of that.

I'm in a good mood.  It's Friday and sunny.  My kids are happy and at home.  They have a fun night planned with their father and another father and his 3 boys down the street.  All men, pizzas and movies - ending in a sleepover (there, not here, thankyouverymuch).  I have a fun night planned, celebrating one of my sweet friend's birthdays at a fun hangout nearby.

Tomorrow is the International Dinner our PTO puts on.  It's a fun night, and newly situated on the weekend, which I like.  We have a fairly diverse school (for Wisconsin), and I love how we honor our diversity like this.  The Hmong kids are going to do a dance, and the West African dance troop is also performing.  The principal is doing a cooking demonstration.  We are to bring something ethnic.  I'm planning on making my grandma's oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies.  Not very ethnic, but a favorite old recipe from our family.

Sunday is Three's fifth birthday.  I can't believe my little baby is turning five.  We are celebrating at Pump It Up, a jumpy, inflatable gym place.  It's a splurge, but I gotta tell you - my house is a wreck and I'm so relieved to not have to entertain a dozen or so 4 and 5 year olds.  Especially since it looks like it will be rainy that day.  Hey - I'm a workin' mom.  I get it now.  I'll gladly pay to have the mess and chaos somewhere else.

A few weeks ago I started getting up early in the morning to work out before work.  I haven't done that all week this week (choosing sleep over exercise), but I have ridden my bike to work three days.  Now, it doesn't take me long to ride (7 minutes is all) but it's something, and I try to ride at a brisk pace so at least it's a cardio blast.  Regardless, now that I've adjusted to the time change, I hope to return next week to early morning yoga booty ballet.

One complained to me after school today that "there's nothing to eat around here!"  While I admit our snacks are a bit low, I offered to make him something.  "What do you want?" I gamely asked.  "GOLDFISH crackers!" he responded.  So, I thought for a moment and said, "want to walk over to Copps to buy some?  You can take some cash out of my wallet."  So, away he and Two went, to cross a fairly busy street, to then cross a very busy street (with a light and walk button), to then eventually walk through a parking lot to reach the store.  All in all, a 5 minute walk, so not far but potentially treacherous.  I kind of held my breath while they were gone, and they came back with goldfish crackers,  a couple of funny stories, and an extra spring in their step by having a taste of independence.  I'm so glad I can trust them and so glad to give them those opportunities.

Off to be a bit productive.  Sweep the mud, vacuum the dirt clumps - tis the spring season!

Happy weekend, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. How cool that they did the store together like that! and a party! You had a full weekend from the sounds of it.
