Friday, June 24, 2011

Yup, still gone

My chickadees are still gone.
Now down the street and playing dodgeball with some bigger neighborhood kids.
What a thrill.
To be acknowledged by the big kids.
Anyway, on to photos...

Here we are on the first day that pool opened.  
Yes, we are the only people at the pool.
It was chilly (mid-60's) and cloudy, but that did not deter us.

or, maybe I should say, it didn't deter them.
I wisely stayed dry and warm(ish).

I am really enjoying my newfound ability to not have to be in the water at all times with them.
Yes, I've become one of those moms, who reads books at the pool.
(or, at least I try to.  I'm still too nervous about one of them drowning to really sink into a book.)
(see how clever I was in that last sentence?)

Here's a photo from last week's tournament.
This is the team that beat the Packers.
The Packers are in the white and green (duh).
The Rams are in blue.
Do you see how much BIGGER they are than our team?
We wanted to see birth certificates.
There is NO WAY those kids were only in 3rd grade.

And, here's a cute little photo of Two and DashyDog from today.
They are still the best of buds.


Just had to pop back in.
For the first time of my life as a parent, I had THE realization.
You know,
How life will be so quiet around here when they grow up and move away.
How I will miss them so much.
How I will worry about them when I can't tuck them in at night.

That's what a quiet house in the middle of a summer afternoon will get you.
These sudden, sad realizations that as much as they drive you insane
on an hourly basis,
you will miss them when they move away.
And one day?
They will.

June 24

Lots to report on in these parts.

Two's football team (the Packers!) had a marathon of a spring tourney last Saturday.  Kids started at 8:45 am.  Double elimination.  They won the first game handily.  Got creamed the second game.  Had to keep fighting to stay alive, and fight they did.  They ended up making it to the championship game and played the team that creamed them earlier.  By this time, Two's team had played 5 games, non-stop.  The Rams (opposing team) had only played two and had plenty of time for breaks in between.  It was a decent fight but in the end, the Rams were the victors.  The Packers got medals for their effort and lots of pats on the back and congratulations from all of us parents (who were also exhausted by cheering and running back and forth to the nearby Walgreens to buy popsicles, ice, gatorade, water, etc).  I was very proud of the whole team, including the coaches.  They played an entire season (6 games) on one very hot Saturday, and no one wanted to quit, no one cried when they lost.  They were good sports and learned lots about determination during that day.

I learned something too.  I'm still an idiot, because at age 42, I haven't figured out that I will sunburn when sitting outside for several hours even if I'm not at a pool.  I was lobster red by the end of the day, thanks to no sunscreen.  Dumb.  But!  It has developed into a nice tan (and possibly skin cancer too - I need to get a skin check soon).

We have had a very cool and wet summer so far.  Despite that, we have been to our pool 10 times, and that is not counting trips for swimming lessons.  The kids yesterday had their lessons while it was 59 degrees and raining.  What?  Yeah, that's right!  We are HARDCORE!

In other news, I rearranged my family room and living room.  In the process, I vacuumed and dusted and put all the miscellaneous crap away.  Love a clean, fresh house!

Also?  I mowed!  Love a freshly mowed lawn!

Kids are busy with their plans for a neighborhood waterpark they've developed with their best friends/neighbors.  It's called Slip Away (though one considered, then tossed out, name was Slip and Die - my favorite - isn't that the greatest thing you've ever heard?) and opening day is July 1.  There will be a slip and slide, sprinklers, a bodyguard, some live entertainment.  Admission fee is 50 cents on the first day, 75 cents every day thereafter.  They distributed fliers today to nearby kids, and they are hoping for a good turn-out.  I'm totally tickled by all of the effort they've put into this.

This is spearheaded by One, whose dream is to own and manage a hotel when he grows up.  Maybe it will be a waterpark hotel.

Our nanny is working out well, thankyouverymuch.  Bob and I had a "how do you think she's doing" talk last night, and while there are some things we'd like a bit different, overall, I totally trust the kids with her and know they are safe.  She has been great at getting them out of the house.  She is managing behavioral problems well as they pop up.  She feeds them and has even offered to help make dinners on those nights where we have stuff going on right in the evening.  So?  Nothing (really) to complain about.   I'll chat with her about my thoughts, and I'm sure it will be even better next week.

Tonight, we plan to go to the Drive-In to see Cars 2.  It's not the greatest weather (cool and damp) but I don't think the mosquitos are too bad yet.

The house is so quiet right now.  Kids are scattered playing - some here, some down the street.  I can only hear a mower in the distance and birds chirping.  No tv.  No video games.  No fighting.  Lovely.  I am breathing in and enjoying this moment.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Remember  my reference to a very, very bad week around here, and then a very, very sweet surprise that totally lifted my spirits?  Well, here's an (edited) account.

So, it was rough, I mean r.o.u.g.h., around here, people.  We had one very distressed and distraught boy which turned our whole world upside down.  I am able to blog, however carefully, about it because it seems like we (meaning, We the Parents) have a better handle on things and we (meaning, we the affected family members) have started working with a very skilled and capable therapist.  I am purposefully vague but will just say that I am so thankful, so very thankful, for good insurance and good mental health providers.  We were able to be seen quickly, and I feel like our concerns have been heard.

Reminds me of something a wise friend told me years ago - waaaaay before I ever had children (she had 2).  You can only be as happy as your saddest child.  So true.  So very true.  

Sadly, the same week our shit was hitting the fan, a friend's long-term beau committed suicide.  It's a complicated situation, to say the least, but it certainly hit a little too close to home for me.  I have been unable to give my friend much support since I'm feeling pretty fragile still myself.  From a distance (emails, letters) I've reached out.  Soon I will call her.  As the home front here is looking more stable, I certainly want to offer support to my very dear and very sad friend.  

So, those two events, as well as listening to peoples tragic tales all day at work (and there are plenty of folks in my town who would love to have my problems, I get that), I was feeling pretty drained.  It was the longest week in history, and I was crawling to the moon, so to speak.  Just working to get to Friday, where I would be off for some me-time with some friends.  Margaritas on the patio.  Dancing and singing and laughing and forgetting, for a moment, all the troubles.  Inch by inch, I made it to Friday.  I came home, wearily checked my mail, and lo and behold, a lovely and unexpected gift was waiting for me.

Ta Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sweet blog-friend Stephanie at Built To Last started making these hand-stamped charms (charms?  pendants?).  She gave excellent step-by-step directions which totally went over my head.  On her own, no prompting from me, she made one with my three boys' names on it, along with a lovely little blue bead.  And delivered it to my house.

I have not stopped wearing it since.  I have been coveting these on etsy for months (years?), but they are pricey!  And, like I told Two yesterday (who was hitting me up for money), I'm just a social worker.  No big bucks in my pay check!  Gotta watch the bottom line!

I'm not a real religious person, but every time I think about this situation, I think that must have been the hand of God there, giving me a lift when I needed it most.

Thank you, Stephanie.  This charm is more meaningful than maybe you know.  It symbolizes that there can been light found even in a very dark time.  There can be hope during despair.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday evening

weird energy around here tonight.
people seem cranky, tired, on edge.
boys are playing basketball across the street
and Bob is trying to start a campfire (just smoke, for now).
I think we miss Three, who has been gone since Tuesday.
My parents took him b/c he has no school this week and I have work.
Miss him sooooooooo much, deeply deeply miss him
(but I will admit that the house is quieter and the workload easier and the pace is slower -
amazing what taking one out of the mix will do).

I was going to do a post about "how we beat the heat" earlier this week.
today I should do one about "how to stay warm in June."
Weird weather - record breaking high temps (mid 90's), followed by wild storms, followed by a temp of 56 degrees now.

In other news,
got our couch professionally cleaned and decided spur of the moment to clean our basement carpet and a dining room rug.
it all looks fabulous, which is good since it all cost over $500.
what's that, you say?
yeah, I was a bit shocked too.  haven't yet told Bob that news yet.
went to a "retreat" for work where there was the promise of an elvis impersonator.
instead, just got a (strange) rendition of Alfie, that song from The Titanic, and some "campfire"songs.
I was distracted all morning long by a co-worker who must have never worn a bra in her life because she looks like she has two grapefruit hanging in socks down to her waist.  It was the strangest thing I've ever seen.  Had a good laugh over it with another co-worker, and caused me to evaluate my own situation.
(I'm fine, I've decided - good enough support - but I recommend all of you women take a moment to consider this.  The grapefruit look?  NOT good.)

School is out tomorrow.
breasts are secured, right where they should be.
temps are cool.
couch is c-l-e-a-n.
I get to see Three tomorrow, whom I miss more that ever (but I'm also kind of enjoying the peace and quiet of the week, can I say that twice without sounding awful?).