Monday, September 19, 2011

obligatory first day of school post

19 days after school started, here I am.

Here is Three, heading off to Kindergarten:

As the picture indicates, he was excited
and nervous.
19 days in he has lost some excitement
but not the nerves.  
We've had some "I quit school" moments.
And when he really means it, he'll say,
"I quit and I quit again!"
The double-quit.  That's when you know you're serious.
But we're getting through it.
He's happy to hang out with same-aged kids.
He's making some new friends.
His teacher will be fine. 
Not spectacular, but good enough.
(which, by the way, is the working title of my auto biography - Good Enough).

Here is Two, heading off to 3rd grade.
New school.
Bus ride (instead of walking half-mile to and from).
He is my poster child for happy student.

He loves the bus stop.
He loves his teacher and new clasamates.
He is excited about doing his homework.
He doesn't have a lot to offer at the end of the day
but whatever it is, he is happy.
So relieved,
because when he was 3 years old and sent to pre-school, he had such anxiety
that I pulled him out. 
Poor kid - he would wake up in the middle of the night with worry and fright that he might have preschool that day.
I'm so glad I trusted my instincts and removed him.
Kept him home with me the rest of that school year.
Restarted when he was 4, and it went much better.
And now?  He loves the challenge of the new grade, the new school.

Here is One.
Mr. Fifth Grader.
He thinks he's too cool for the first day of school photo
so he refuses to give a big, bright smile.
Little does he know that he has 7 more years of these photos.
(and maybe more, if he goes to college nearby.
I'm not above greeting him at his dorm and taking the first day of school photo there.)

We have been extremely lucky with One's teachers, all the way throughout his schooling.
Every year, we think, "this is the best teacher ever."
And nothing against the previous years' teachers,
but we keep having that feeling.
This year included.
His teacher is lovely.
A wonderful fit.
I am so thankful for this placement.  
His group of buddies isn't in his class, but that's good.
He needs a push to make more friends, and here it is.
Push, my One.  Go and make new friends.

The two photos below may be contenders for my Christmas Card photo.
(but the mere fact I am posting them means they won't make the cut)
They are cute, campy photos of my crew, though.

Hope your starts of school have gone well also!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, that middle boy has a wonderful expression on his face in each shot!
    Happy back to school--we've begun well, too.
