Wednesday, March 17, 2010

silver lining

I was in the middle of a fairly boring post updating my fairly regular life, and I thought, "oh, I should go and pull out the chicken from the freezer for the dinner party for 12 that I'm hosting tomorrow." (bunko group) Opened the freezer door and, hmm, the chicken is already thawed. And so is everything else. And it seems like the fridge isn't too cold either.

And now I'm waiting for the repair guy to get over here and do his thing.

Life is suddenly interesting.

Thank goodness for extended warranties and large, basement chest freezers.


  1. and almost as soon as the crisis happened, it is now resolved. Some defrost timer thing broke and he has been here (twice) and fixed it (once). Back to the pre-bunko cleaning.

  2. Oh no! That's no fun at all--especially now that it's warmer outside!
