Wednesday, January 13, 2010

on death

On the chilly walk to school this morning (THIS is our January thaw?), Finn asked some deep questions. Seems like that is when we have the most interesting conversations - big brother is off on the bus to his school, little brother is up ahead, riding his bike, so that leaves just Finn and me, ready to ponder the world, in 10 minutes.

Today's conversation started with, "when will all of the people in the world die? what happens next?" Because I didn't want to have a whole apocalypse discussion, I said, "that will never happen because there are always new babies being born." Which brought us to what seemed to be the heart of his questions -- what happens to us when we die? I told him that we don't know for sure, and I listed the three options that popped into my head: our souls go to heaven, our souls go into other new bodies (people, animals), and nothing. Nothing happens because we are dead. He asked which one I believed, and I told him (I'm kind of an 80/20 gal on this issue). I asked him what he believed, and although he was initially excited about the thought of being a dog (he is SO in love with our doggie), he got quiet and said he'd need to think about it a little more. And then he ran ahead to push his brother out of the snowbank he got lodged into.

I love these talks. I love how spontaneous they start and how quickly they end. I am so thankful that these kids keep me on my toes.


  1. I love those talks, too.

    And I think it feels a little chilly for a THAW. brrrrr.

    (maybe it's the wind?)

  2. My oldest is prone to these heavy talks--his younger brothers not so much. They often take me off guard.
    I do have to say I find it amusing how some of my most rabid pro-life friends believe in reincarnation. I wonder how they reconcile two such oppositional beliefs.
    This cold...only 3 more months, right?
