Wednesday, January 6, 2010

on resolutions

So, I'm not a huge resolution type of gal. I know myself. Follow-thru because of an arbitrary holiday or date isn't my strong suit. Motivation has to come more from within. HOWEVER, given that, I am inspired this year to throw out a couple of goals I have been mulling over. Let's see how I do over the year...

oh, first a caveat... of course I have exercise/better body image goals, and goals about not yelling at the kiddos so much, but those are so bla bla BLA that I won't even bother talking about it here. Bla. Enough said.

Now (rubbing my hands together), let's get these documented -

1. Every morning, I want to do the cryptoquote in the paper. Just a little dementia-prevention program here. I am older than 40, after all.

2. I want to make more vegetable-heavy meals. Not necessarily meat-free, as my meat-lovin' boys will not be having that, but I'm not above sneaking in extra veggies here and there without them knowing, a la Jessica Seinfeld.

3. Also, on the meal tip, I want to get make double meals more often. You know, make a double batch and freeze half of it. Oh yeah, this is living life on the edge.

4. I want to write a letter a month. I came up with this today while listening to NPR while making meatloaf (in which I snuck in pureed sweet potatoes AND a made a double batch -- so, HA! take that! already on top of these resolutions!). Anyway, back to the letter writing idea, I'm not really sure how this will evolve. I was thinking it may be nice to write a letter to my boys each month -- a letter that I won't give to them until they grow up. Or maybe it will be a more tradition letter that I send in the mail to a friend or family member. I don't know. I DO know that when I was addressing my christmas cards, I was thinking about how this personal correspondence thing is only once/year, and that's not the way I want to be. And then this NPR show talked about it, and I'm convinced to give it a go.

And in reviewing this list, I am showing how incredibly lame I am. Wow. Though I think it may be an improvement over a few years back when my list of goals included more sex in the marital bed, wearing more make-up, and taking a shower more regularly. (which, haha, may be all related now that I think about it - and, just for the record, the marital bed thing was not happening so much because there was a baby in bed with us, so that was my funny way to get the baby into his OWN bed, and NOW I've officially reached too much information).



  1. I love your resolutions! They are much better than the same old goals I have had for the past 15 years-I will drink more water, I will take my vitamins daily, I will journal daily-blah, blah, blah.

    I'm thinking that I will add Play the wii daily to my list-under the category of brain health!

    Happy New Year Teresa!

  2. This is a GOOD list. I write at least a letter a month. Nothing can replace that art.

  3. you are so not lame. I like how your past goal was "more sex in the marital bed" I read that as it was happening...just not in bed! :)
