Tuesday, June 29, 2010


quick posting while I'm waiting for the dishwasher to sterilize the jars for the raspberry delight I'm about to process...

We had about the perfect day today. Pictures will follow in an upcoming post. We made it to the farm by about noon and weeded -- not too big of a job thanks to the rototiller that worked its magic yesterday. Our favorite family joined us, and we moms chatted non-stop while the kiddos ran and played and had fun. Scared the chickens. Played with Dash the doggie. Posed for cute photos. Ran on the hilltop to swing and attempt to start a fire (!!! - rubbing two sticks together, so much less of an alarming report).

We picked buckets of raspberries. We gathered eggs, JUST after they were laid (poor chickens). We picked some red onions. We smelled the lemon basil.

Afterwards, we headed over to Culvers for a little frozen treat. Perfect way to end a perfect day.

Our life feels so full and so good this summer.


  1. awesome day.

    love your header.

    what is raspberry delight??? yum. :)

  2. That does sound perfect! I'm out in a few minutes to pick MY raspberries and pull some weeds, too.
