Monday, November 30, 2009


so much to say, so little time to say it. I have 9 minutes before it's time to leave for the guys. I want to post a picture or maybe two, but my camera battery died. sigh... (and I just wasted 30 seconds typing that.)

It was a super great thanksgiving weekend, filled with food and family and friends and little chores around the house getting done. Bob and I had a date and did some Christmas shopping. The kids had play dates, and it was soooo nice to get them out of the house (!!!) and off doing something happy. We went to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum in downtown Milwaukee on Sunday, which was fabulous, as always. Here's hoping the new Madison Children's museum is a little more interesting in their new space.

But a moment I have to blog about is meeting a blog-friend in person at the Craftacular. I love going to this craft show. It's so sweet and lovely and handmade and local. Plus, I once went to a pretty fun wedding in this space, so it brings back fond memories. Anyway, I met Stephanie over at in person after blog stalking her for a while (ha ha). It was nice to put an in-person face with blog pix and words, and the stuff she was selling there was as sweet as she is. I left and realized I had comments/questions that I didn't address (your kids are so cute and funny, how is the pregnancy?, when are you due?, isn't it HARD being pregnant with your third kid? (was for me, at least), how do I get my picture up on my banner with my blog title as well?, how do you refer to other posts/websites without typing them out?) but maybe another time. And, Stephanie, thanks so much for the bingo card! I have had to beat my children to keep them from trying to move the markers. It's adorable. I wish I would have insisted to pay for it, but instead I'll take your generosity graciously. Muchas gracias!

And ding! time is UP!

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome. :) I was so glad you stopped by. I can answer those blogging questions...maybe tomorrow when my belly doesn't feel so big and heavy. (maybe that answers another question...this time is harder...I am "done" a lot earlier in the day than before.) Have a good night!
