Thursday, April 28, 2011


have one.
have had one for a couple of days.
used to have them all the time but not so much lately
(like since having kids - I think it's hormonal or something)

I am listening to Bob brainstorm with One in the other room about a school project.
One keeps rejecting ideas.
Bob said, "well, then, you're SOL."
"What does that mean?" One asks.
"Shucks out of luck," Bob replies.

Shucks out of luck.
I like it.

I cleaned out the hellhole basement this week.
Sent off a lot of toys to Goodwill - others to the trash.
Feels good to shed some belongings.
Bob is busy burning old paperwork that we've been keeping for far too long.
He just unearthed an email I sent to him on Feb 17, 2005.
(this was before I knew about blogs)
I wrote to him:
"at 12:02 pm today, (one) called me a 'poopyhead'.
I think he's feeling better."
made me chuckle.

It's cold and damp and yucky here.
I don't know if spring will ever come.
Right now, I'm just hunkering in, waiting for summer.


  1. oh good Lord, me too. I hope your head feels better soon! We are mailing an invite out for Ruby's party in the next couple of days.

    hang in there. I'm trying to. :)

  2. This weather mixes well with headaches, no? Ugh. Come ON spring!
