Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13

thanks, y'all, for the love after my last sad-sack post.
I felt it, and I needed it.
Especially from you, John.  That was very sweet.  Brought a tear to my eyes.
(I miss Donna so much and I just can't believe she's gone, but that's a whole nother post for a whole nother day.)

This week is going better.
Looks like our boy is working hard on learning his lesson.
He has written his apology note.
He is taking his lumps at home (grounding - first time ever we're using that punishment - as well as no contact with fellow-thug/neighbor boy) and at school ("in school suspension" which means spending a day in a different teacher's classroom, as well as talks with the principal and teachers).
He is ready to move on, look forward, put this in the past.
I am too.

Weather here has been wonderful.
I've biked to work and I'm happy to say I LOVE my new bike.
She's so pretty!
Some day I'll take a picture of her and show you.

Little monkeys upstairs are supposed to be settling down for bed, but that's not happening.
So this may be cut short.

One's emotions are running sort of high again lately (like last year).
I'm trying hard to not get sucked into his drama and to try to pay attention to the positive.
It is difficult to find that positive sometime.
Three's emotions are also sort of all over the place lately.
I don't get too excited about that, since it seems like he's just mimicking what he sees around here.
It is so much easier parenting that third child, don't you think?
I'm sure he'll end up the most centered of the bunch too.

We interviewed 6 potential applicants for summer babysitter job here.
Looking for someone to spend about 25 hours/week with our chickadees and keep them outside and active and happy and engaged.
We have narrowed it down to 2 - one boy and one girl.
Both seem great.
I may write more about this process later (it was pretty fun and the kids were very cute about it), but not now.
We're waiting for references to come back, and we'll make our final decision.

I'm looking forward to this weekend.
My Julie is coming to town.
(I have a cousin named Julia, and my boys do too, so we now refer to my cousin Julie as My Julie)
I haven't seen My Julie since last summer.
I miss her so.
She's the splash of sunshine I need.

1 comment:

  1. Company you're looking forward to AND a couple of great nanny/manny candidates! Yay!
    I know what you mean about the youngest. I was just thinking that this morning as I was waking everyone up for school.
