Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lots of fall fun around here lately.  

We went to the UW Madison homecoming parade on Friday night.  Always a favorite, and they give out good swag.  We left with bags full of candy, strings of beads, and a t-shirt for Two.  But the most sought-after item amongst my 4 boys (a neighbor boy came along)?  A wisp.

Saturday was full of football games in the morning (I realize I haven't blogged much about football this year - another time) and a trip to our friends' farm for veggies and chicken coop cleaning.  After that, we went to a corn maze, which was just about the death of this family.  Maybe I'll also post more about this a different day, but let's just say that 2 extra (challenging, to me) kids and record 85 degree weather and not enough water or snacks AND a difficult corn maze equaled bad attitudes aplenty.  

The rowdy group after finally completing the maze
On Sunday, we biked down to a nearby park for a hayride with neighbors, complete with smores over an open fire.  Didn't quite have that autumnal ambiance, as it was 80 some degrees again, but it was fun nonetheless.  We left and hung out at another neighbor's house, where the boys played four square in the street and we parents gossiped chatted.  Nice way to end the weekend.
hayride fun - it's contagious!
Our weather is finally turning a bit more seasonal, which is perfectly fine with me.  Three is in his "off" cycle for his speech class now, so he and I have been enjoying our lazy mornings together.  Today we delivered a too-small trike to a little neighborhood boy whom Three is fond of (largely due to the fact that they share the same name).  Then we went to the farmer's market at Hilldale and to Goodwill to pass along another ride-on toy and clothes.  

We've been hanging on the playground after school more lately, which has just been so, so nice.  There's a sweet new crop of kids and mamas (and a dad or two sprinkled in too).   I do still yearn for my playground pals of old, but this seems like a nice group too.

I'm still loving my haircut, in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the new friends and enjoying the fall weather! T's going on a hayride through a haunted cornfield tonight with a buddy. And we're heading to the Zoo Boo after school! Candy!
