Thursday, December 17, 2009

wow (and not in a good way)

Ever had one of those moments when just the littlest thing put you over the edge? Out of the blue all of these emotions come flying out of nowhere? And all of a sudden, you are down in the laundry room, hiding from the children, crying and cursing the world?

I am trying to collect myself so I can go back to frosting christmas cookies. I have NPR on and am going to brew up a cup of tea. It's really not a big deal - REALLY it's not - but I just want to go upstairs and hide under my covers.


  1. oh yeah, I've had those moments. Plenty of them.

    Hope the tea was comforting and the frosting resumed. If not, enjoy your covers and there is always tomorrow!

  2. Oh my dear friend-I'm thinking about you & agreeing with Stephanie about "those moments." My laundry room serves the same purpose as yours. Why didn't I build mine bigger? I hope your day got better. If not, please call me-I'm so there-right along with you.
