Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hello Palestine...

Unfortunately, I can't say that much longer.  Those of you who aren't my facebook friends (and perhaps even those who are - damn new layout) don't know the latest in my brother's situation in Palestine.  Briefly, congress has decided to cease a lot of funding (like, hundreds of millions of dollars) in aid to Palestine in response to Palestine requesting to be recognized as an official state in the eyes of the UN.  Quite the F You, if you ask me.  So, this means my brother's program, and his position, is over at the end of this month.  I feel so badly for him, since he worked so hard to get there and wanted it so badly.  Also, I am totally bummed because this time I was not going to miss the opportunity to visit him overseas.  Now, of course, this time I am missing it again.

I have yet to talk with him about this, which feels weird but of course totally to be expected, given the time difference and busy schedules.  I have read between the lines of his email to me and have decided that he is disappointed, of course, but not devastated.  At least, that's the spin I (protective and worrysome big sister) am putting on it.

Since I started this post two days ago, Mark, my bro, has put together an eloquent and lovely blog posting about this and other important events that have happened in his life lately.  Feel free to check that out, at Unimposssible Life Blog.  You know this because I've said it over and over again, but I (proud and boastful big sister) love his writing.


In other news, we have continued to have full and busy lives, mainly surrounding football - Tackle for One and Flag for Two.  Much to say about both experiences, but briefly, it has been an exciting season full of angst and anxiety and injuries, peppered in moments of fun (for One), and long runs and touchdowns and good-ole fun (for Two).  Needless to say, we are again examining whether One will return to this sport next year.  Perhaps not...

Three has opted out of playing football and seems rather disinterested in the sport as a whole.  He said to me this morning, while finishing up watching One's game and preparing to drive over to see the rest of Two's game, "I wish I only had one brother so I didn't have to watch more football!"  I think we've inadvertently and successful killed his desire to play.  He has mentioned soccer a few times, so maybe that will be his sport.  Works better, really, with his Italian name, so I'm in favor.

This is how Three spends his time at the football games:


I'm working 27.5 hours/week now (27 one week, 28 the next).  I work late Mondays one week and Tuesdays the next, but I am able to pick the kiddos up after school on Monday (I work from 3:30 - 7:30 pm).  The point in all of this detail is that

a.  I am grateful to have a job in something that I like and am trained to do, and
b.  I am grateful for the flexibility to work mainly when my kids are in school so that I see them most nights (9 out of 10) after school, but
c.  I am feeling a bit pinched for my time.  I would sort of dig having a day to myself to clean the house and meet a friend for lunch and even sit in my (newly) clean house and read a book.  But, there just aren't enough hours in the week to make that happen.

I know I will feel better about things once I adjust to the new schedule.  I also know that once football ends in a couple of weeks, I'll be more relaxed.  Rushing off to football practice 3 nights/week makes things a but crazed most nights.

All of that said, I will add that I applied for a new job last week.  It's part-time (20 hours/week) with the State, not exactly doing what I have been trained to do ("social worker" is not listed anywhere on the job description) but one where I could use my skills.  The job itself sounds a little dry and paperwork-y, but it's permanent, with benefits.  And as you probably remember from my ongoing complaints, I am still considered a "provisional" employee at my current job.

10 months in and still provisional.  I do the most work of the 3 of us hired, I see the most clients, but I am still considered provisional and therefore do not have benefits, including earned time off.  I know there are budget problems that are not getting any easier, but I am feeling myself getting a little bitter about it (does it show?).

So, I thought I'd throw my name at this new job and see what happens.  What I would prefer is to somehow become permanent at my current gig.  We'll see...


Two has 2 buddies over and I sent them down the street to the school playground to play, sans adult supervision.  Three eight year olds wandering the streets of Madison.  Good idea?  I think about my childhood and how that was totally ok.  I consider the threat of harm.  Someone could fall down and hurt themselves.  They could get thirsty.  I doubt they will be abducted - all three of them together.  There are no busy streets to cross and the weather is perfectly delightful.  However, all of that said, I think I will bike on down with Dashy dog now and bring them some Gaterades and make sure they are all still alive and not abducted or bleeding or lying on the ground in dehydration.  Plus, what a great day!  Perfect excuse for a little dog-n-me bike ride.

1 comment:

  1. I think if they stick together they'll be fine, right?
    We have one soccer, 2 football players in our house--it works out. As long as we all unite to cheer for the PACKERS!
    sorry about your brother's bad news.
