Tuesday, June 8, 2010

not much to say

I want to blog but I'm not sure I have anything to say.

Yesterday was busy. When I finally sat down after supper, I closed my eyes and snoozed. It was a 15 second nap, but it felt good.

Three keeps singing "How to Save a Life". He doesn't really know the words (nor do I), but it's very, very cute.

Weekend was good, busy, rainy, sunny, hot. Last football games of the season. Two had a playdate with a friend all day Saturday (more on that later). On Sunday, we did the Ride the Drive, an event drawing 30,000, they said. It was so great. I've decided this is one of my new favorite Madison activities. Dash the doggy ran along side of my bike (on leash) the whole way, 6 miles.

My crazy little diet seems to be working. Down days are still hard. Up days are a relief, but I have to remember not to go overboard. I'm looking forward to being able to exercise regularly when all my kiddos are busy in the fall. Yes, it's pathetic that I don't expect regular exercise while they are here this summer, but I'm just being realistic. I mean, we'll bike and swim a lot - every day we can - but it will happen at a child's pace, so not really at a cardiovascular level.

This is the last week of school, and, for some crazy reason, I'm not dreading the summer too much. Last summer, I was full of dread. How were we going to survive the summer without killing each other? (Those with only children may not understand this, but as much as my children seem to like each other, they also can FIGHT.) This summer? I feel oddly calm. I've been reading up on how to address this. I also came up with a plan to reward good brother behavior. Every day that is a good day overall (yes, judgment call and one I reserve the right to make), I will put one dollar aside. At the end of the summer, if we have enough saved (we're also collecting aluminum cans AND we have a family piggy bank anyone can contribute to), we'll go to Great America. Kids seemed energized by this plan. Let's hope it works.

I have spent most of this post typing with a sleepy 4 year old on my lap. He's a lot of boy to hold, so I'm going to end.


  1. Good luck with your plan! I'm trying to figure out how to manage our summer screen time--they'd park it 24/7 in front of video games and TV. ARGH!

  2. I have three things to comment on:
    1- let me know how that sibling rivalry book is!
    2- we do 3 pennies a day for screen time - each one is worth 30 minutes of TV or computer time. When they are gone - that's it for the day. It works remarkable well.
    3 - I Love your idea of a family piggy bank. We currently have a "Wii Jar" because they want a Wii, but this may be a better idea. Thanks!!
