A few weeks ago, One's flag football team was invited to play at halftime during the Madison Mustang's football game (semi-pro team). One was very excited and even more nervous. We experienced several swings of emotion prior to the game, and I even wondered if we would be able to make it. But we did. I will take full credit for using my mama magic to pull the family together.
Here are the Packers, One's team, walking onto the field:
There's my boy! I think he's looking for us, but we had moved to get closer to the action:
The stadium was, well, not exactly packed...
Their coach (in yellow) has done a great job with this team. I haven't always agreed with his tactics, but I appreciate his passion and dedication to the kids.
And there he is, as center, ready to snap the ball. I'm sure he's hoping this is his last time as center. Let's just say that he'd rather have a little more glamorous position on his (gasp) tackle football team next fall.
It was a great way to conclude his flag football career. Onto tackle!
How thrilling for them to be in the big stadium and not some random field in a park!