So, every night at bedtime after we read books and give all the kisses and hugs and tucking-in, I lay next to Three and go through a little sleep inducing mantra that I made up a while ago. "Now we settle our body down, take a deep breath, close our eyes, think happy thoughts, go to sleep, have good dreams, goodnight and I love you." Sometimes we then list all the people we love (always adding "love you, miss you Pop" - for my grandfather who died last year). Last night, Three was so tired he skipped it all and just said, "happy thoughts, mom," and fell asleep.
I stayed there for a few minutes, next to his warm, sleeping little body, feeling so thankful for my children, my home, my life.
Aw, that is how I feel at bedtime, too. Thankful and peaceful and appreciative of the miracles of my kids.