Hi reader(s),
Not much going on here.
We've had some glorious sunshine the last couple of days, which is just delicious and life re-affirming.
I had a fun night at Bunco last night -- hearty laughs, good conversation, yummy food. Nice to connect with adult-people.
I finished the last season of Weeds on Netflix. Whew! That show makes my head spin! I love it.
I just cleaned out my refrigerator. I feel like I've accomplished something. Next? Those pesky bathrooms.
We've been doing a lot of skating lately. Kids got ice skates a couple of weeks ago, and they are OBSESSED, especially Two. Ob. Sessed. He wants to skate every free moment he has. Fortunately, there's a neighborhood rink that's less than a mile away, so it's fairly easy to feed his obsession. The other night, I drove them over and sat in the car, listening to an old podcast of This American Life, while One and Two skated and fell and skated and fell. And I thought, "this is a pretty sweet gig I have going on right now." I took some video of the skating last weekend, and I have plans to make it into a little imovie. Maybe after those bathrooms.
Here is my happy, skating, toothless boy. I love that smile.
And lastly, our previously blogged about struggles with One are getting better. We are working hard not to engage when the nonsense starts. Giving him more freedom to make his own decisions (for instance, when to complete homework - which I used to insist was done right when coming home. Now I just tell him that I trust he'll find the right time to do it. Seems to be working, although I have to remind myself often not to nag him). We are staying calm and cool with him, and it's going better.
Off to a completely child-centered weekend -- b'day party to attend for One, basketball practice for Two, more skating/sledding for all three, watching a friend's hockey game. I'm trying to score a babysitter so Bob and I get a date out. We kind of breezed by Valentines Day, and I'd like a re-do.
Happy weekend to all y'all!
Glad you had some Bunco to start things off right for a kid-based weekend! And huzzah for things calming down with One!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute kid! James is so anxious to lose a tooth.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend, Teresa!
happy weekend.