Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan 4

A short post to let you know I'm still around. The holidays were gone before we knew it but superfun while they lasted. We amped up our technology here a bit, so we are all a bit more "plugged in" than normal. Feeling equally bad and good about that.

Big changes happening for me on the work front which have made life interesting. I'm pleased to report I'm not stressing (much) about the changes and am trying to be amused and open to finding the good that is there. One bit of good? Somehow I've scored a great office with two windows. I'm geekily excited about my windows.

Bob has been off several days with the boys while I've been working and it sounds like they've had some great times together. I am so thankful that he is an involved parent who (usually) wants to be with his kids. I am home with them the last two days of their break (tomorrow and Friday) and we have plans to return to an indoor gym on one day and go swimming on the other. Looking forward to fun and playful times with them. Ice rinks *just* opened, but I fear they will close again soon with the 40 degree weather that is coming our way. Fear is too strong of a word. I'm quite happy with the warm and dry winter we've had so far.

So, in a nutshell, 2012 looks pretty good so far. 2011 was a bit of a roller coaster, but overall it was a year I am glad to behind us. I am looking forward with hope and optimism.


  1. Oh! Office space with windows! That is so great. Really--I worked in a room with no windows and found it deeply discouraging.
    Enjoy this balmy winter;)

  2. yay for windows!!

    I didn't make it your way this week but will drop off your board when I next do. We are down to one car so it's been kind of tricky.

    james just shot me in the butt with a nerf dart. is it monday yet??? :)
