Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial day weekend

Blogger has been f'ing with me for the past few days.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I couldn't access my blog or my dashboard  - there was a weird looking header with the box "password", but it wouldn't take my password.

anyway, problem seems all cleared up now.

We are 2 days into our 3 day weekend.
Day one, aka yesterday, was wonderfully perfect:
Football practice in the morning.
Tomato plants and flowers purchased for the home.
House projects tackled (re-roofing the shed, canning cherries that have been in my freezer since, gulp, last summer) with everyone pitching in.
An impromptu trip to Bratfest to ride rides (we did not support Johnsonville Brats, at least, not during that trip to Bratfest).
Late night dinner around the table with everyone in a lovely mood.

Day two, aka today, was a bit rougher.
Bob and Two went to a movie (Pirates of the Caribbean 4), while One, Three and I went to a different one (the tamer Diary of a Wimpy Kid, part 2).
Trip to the grocery store.
Quick visit with grandparents.
Canning more cherries, planting tomato plants and flowers.
That was all good, but the day ended with a nasty fight between One and Two.

Tomorrow, will be known as Day three, we go to Devil's Lake to implement our plan.
Hopefully we can all behave and try to like each other, but I'm setting my expectations low.

I have lots of good pictures to share but no energy to do so now.
Canning takes a lot out of me and
I'm tired.

in other news, it was 6 months ago today that I started working again.
I've been reflecting, while canning, about how much life has changed in the past 6 months.

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