Monday, February 7, 2011

moments from our life

1. Yesterday, One and I were skittishly hopping around the house while we heard a "squeak, squeak" of a baby animal in the house.  He and I heard it, and finally Bob heard it too.  We had to rush out the door to get to the UW men's bball game, so we left poor, still sick Bob to figure out the source of the "squeak".  ***

2. 1 hour later, One and I were sitting passively during the basketball game.  I turned and asked him if he was thinking about the squeak.  "yup," he said.  "Are you thinking about the Packers too?"  "yup," he replied again, seriously looking into my eyes.  The basketball game served as a good diversion from our two main worries of the day.

3.  Three slept on my lap while One and I silently cheered and fretted and cheered and fretted and FINALLY cheered our beloved Packers onto victory!  Two was watching Drake and Josh on Netflix.  Nice team spirit, Two.

4.  Today, after grocery shopping, I stopped into Macy's to look for a post-Christmas mark-down on a sweater for me.  I found some great Tommy Hilfiger sweaters marked at least 50% off.  Score.  I accidentally stumbled upon a bunch of kids' winter coats waaaaaay marked down.  I bought new coats for next year for all three kids - each for $15 - and they are cuuuuute.  So, if you have a Macy's near you and you'd like to stock up for next year, now's your time.

5.  Kids are outside playing in the snow as I type.  I'm glad they still seem to have enthusiasm for this long winter.  I'm over it.  When I saw the snow falling again today (and yesterday), I just sighed.  Sigh.

Off to manage the troops.

Enjoy your Monday!

*** Turns out the squeak, squeak was not from a baby animal trapped in our house, as we both feared, but from One's boots.  We had a great laugh over there.  All except for poor, still sick Bob, who I hope went in to the doctor again today.  He is not well.  Although the antibiotics treated the strep, he now seems to have a sinus infection or something.  Cough, cough, cough into the night he goes.  And my eyes pop open with every cough.  Yawn...


  1. My kids are each banished to their rooms for an hour. (well, baby is sleeping.) This mama needed some quiet. some time to BREATHE.

    That story about the squeak is so funny! Also, I hope Bob feels better soon...what a long haul.

    I totally want to go to Macy's now. Good score!

  2. His boots! Too funny!
    SO glad for the Packers!
    And I just stocked up on 10$ jeans at Old Navy for my youngest!
