Monday, December 7, 2009


So, I posted this ridiculously over-the-top gushy post about how much I loved my kids and my husband and my life, and then, shortly after posting it, it ALL fell apart over here and I came back down to earth. You know - it's all ok, just the normal kind of falling apart, but it made me reconsider all of earlier gushiness. Note to self -- don't post when on some Friday-afternoon-early-holiday-cozy-and-warm-possibly-also-hormonal high, because the high pops and then I just feel silly.

So there.

A couple of random thoughts:

I'm looking forward to the snowstorm this week. I got a great recipe from my bookclub friend last night. It's the perfect food for a cold, blustery winter night. Meatball Oven Stew. If I were smarter, I'd figure out how to post the recipe, but y'all will just have to wonder. Unless you ask. And then I can just type it out.

I went to my December bookclub mtg last night. Love my bookclub. We are starting our 17th year together! We just read Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. The voice of the book is a dog, named Enzo! It was a sweet story, and I recommend it.

Off to Trader Joe's!


  1. No...I loved that last post and kept meaning to come over here and tell you. It made me happy. :) Just because the warm fuzzies usually pass after a while doesn't mean they shouldn't be documented.

    signed, someone who has experienced the same darn thing

    And wow! 17 years...that's some record.

  2. so where is the over the top gushy post? on FB? i thought you were about to recant your over the top gushy post about me!!! NEVER! :)

  3. HEY! Isn't this blog supposed to capture the moment? Just because your gushy aint-life-great moment didn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't real while it did last. Take a cue from your inner existentialist and let the moment be the moment. I vote for no revisionist history on this blog or recanting of feelings that once felt true. Voltaire said that history is fiction agreed upon, but you should allow your blog to sally forth into the future, leaving the past intact... I'm making no sense, but hopefully my passion is coming through. I just have one more thing to say: pumpernickel.

  4. alright, alright. I won't do that again. I am convinced by every one of my blog readers. No more deleting posts.
    Geez, Mark, all the smart genes got sent right to YOU. The only quotes around here lately are from Sponge Bob, and it's Enzo. "Come to Papa." He says this when happily accepting a sticker or a piece of candy.
