I came out to a dear friend today. This friend is one of my oldest, certainly one of my best-est friends. I have known her since we were kids, and we were in each others' weddings a million years ago, but I have really fallen in love with her wonderfulness since becoming a mom. I talk with her most days. She knows, next to Bob, I suppose, the most about my daily life. From the little to the big moments, I look forward to sharing them with this friend. And so, it has felt a little weird keeping this blog from her. But, I'm a little shy about it, and I was a little shy to tell her. I took the risk and she received it well (of course she would!). So, welcome friend. I hope you enjoy reading about what I most certainly have already told you about on the phone or in person. :)
One more comment about this friend -- we are normally pregnant when we get all maudlin and carry on about how important we are to each other. I'm not pregnant, nor is she (ARE YOU? kidding!), but I do want to officially state, in this blog post, how important you are to me. I so appreciate your perspective, your sense of humor, your opinions - even (especially?) when they don't agree with mine. I love your family, and I wish your sisters were mine (I have none). Your mom is fabulous. Your children are so sweet and lovely and kind and good.
Everyone should have a friend like this.
OK, enough of that. Here are some photos of the week...
I made ANOTHER batch of soap, and I'm getting more and more pleased with how these are turning out. This one is honey-oatmeal-goat's milk. No strong scent (no essential oils), but I think it will produce a nice soothing lather. (that's enzo's paw in there)

Here is that super cute bingo card, gratis from Stephanie over at built to last. Alex is rather bothered that the free space doesn't have a bingo chip on it, but I think it's perfect as is. It lives on my fridge and I love it.

And here is my newly painted little first floor bathroom (formerly a closet). After many mis-steps with paint color, we finally settled on chocolate brown, and I love it. It looks rather handsome, n'est-ce pas?

And finally, I realize that I was TOTALLY remiss in not mentioning another friend who was at the Craftacular last weekend. Jessica, at www.chasingbeagles.blogspot.com, was selling sweet little frenchie-type objets d'art. Her table was adorable. Almost as adorable as she is. I was lucky enough to chat with her for a moment and then run into her husband and 4 kiddos. I hope the Craftacular will have space for her daughter Zola's stuff next year -- she is a budding artist too!