On Wednesday, President Obama visited Madison. It was the first time in nearly 60 years that a sitting president visited Madison. He came to a middle school less than a mile from our house to talk about a new education initiative. The city was all abuzz about his visit, and I caught a little of the Obama fever. I decided that Enzo and I would walk on over to see what we could see.
First, a very official looking helicopter, protecting the restricted air space, I suppose. It circled overhead prior to Obama's arrival.

And there he is! (I think) We were waiting about a block or so from the school and I decided to walk in the middle of the street to see what I could see. I stopped to take out my camera and I realized - hey! There's the motorcade! There were dozens of Madison police cars and motorcycles, a bunch of white SUVs and then a couple of presidential looking limos. He was in one of them, maybe it was this one!

As soon as the president arrived, the snipers popped up on top of the roof of the school. Although I totally understand and appreciate their job, their presence kind of gave me the willies. Not a job I would wish for my boys to someday have.

I was standing with a bunch of good old Madison liberal hippies. It was a fairly small crowd (100 or so) but there was good energy, some spirited chanting, and signs. Lots of signs.
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