The picture above doesn't relate to the post. I just wanted to see if I knew how to post a picture again. But, now that it's out there, I have been considering this picture for the christmas card. Opinions?
I wish to address a comment from my newest reader, "mark". "mark" asked about the name of this blog, suggesting that the moon wasn't a very desirable place and therefore, why would one want to crawl there. I look a the phrase in a different light -- one speaking of endurance and determination in reaching a goal, which I demonstrate on a regular basis as a mother. "I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl" is what Anthony Kiedes sings, and that line from that song often is in my head as I'm going through my day. I could have named the blog "waiting for the toaster" or "looking for lost shoes" (both of which I've done in the past 30 minutes AND everyday since becoming a mother) but those don't seem quite as poetic. So, "mark", I hope this answers your question. And I think "swimming to the mountaintop" would be a great name for a blog.
Hey, did you notice that? I bolded great.
Yesterday, also known as my 41st birthday, was very nice. Enzo and I visited Grandma O, and she was in good spirits and seemed a bit like her old self. She was wearing black nylon stockings with her shoes, and Enzo was a little concerned about her black feet, which caused Grandma to laugh heartily, which caused ME to laugh heartily. The moment was a bit bittersweet, because I kept listening for Pop's hearty laugh to join in, but those are moments in life. After Grandma, we did go shopping and I did buy 2 sweaters and 2 shirts (!!) and I considered a purse but did not buy one. After the guys came home from school, I built a fire in the fireplace and lazily sat with the doggie on my lap, reading my book (Foreskin's Lament by Shalom Aushlander, a memoir by a guy who is often on This American Life - good book). Mom and Dad stopped by with some birthday cheer, and Bob came home and prepared dinner for the kids. All in all, a lovely little day.
And this is where it goes south. I was getting ready to head out the door for bunko, and I lost my footing on the stairs and fell, twisting my ankle again. Same ankle I twisted on the walk to school the other day. Still hurts today, and I'm limping a bit. I suppose I will heal but this may put my olympic dreams off a bit. I went to bunko and had a nice time but did not win a thing. So, I'm pretty sure turning 41 is bad luck for me.
I"m going to try to post a picture below this text. Let's see if it works!
Hmm, they at the top of this posting. I don't understand... (on one of our last days at the pool this summer, Finn decided to try the 12 feet deep water. True Finn fashion, he jumped in, fearless, and loved the thrill. After a short time, he was going off the diving board - wowee!)
Time's up - off to Friday chores!
Oh, I see. Crawling to the moon is a metaphor. Or an allegory. And not to knock CTTM, but I actually think that "Waiting for the toaster" is brilliant, too. BRILLIANT. Look at me, I'm British! I'm also too tired to be blog commenting.