Saturday, July 7, 2012

heat wave

Recent weather Madison

Weather graph showing past weeks' weather and temperature for Madison

Reflections during this recent heat wave...

1.  I've never wanted to live in Arizona, or the Sahara Desert, or Texas (no offense to any of those fine locales), and this weather confirms it.

2.  Biking in 103 degree weather isn't as bad as one would think.  Until one wants to sit on one's bike seat, which has been outside, collecting heat all day long.  It was a slow burning sensation on the most private of my areas, and I finished my (thankfully short) bike commute home biking while standing.

3.  Posting about my burnt lady parts on facebook wasn't too embarrassing.

4.  Little, and big, people get increasingly more irritable as the mercury rises.

5.  Even the Goodman Pool cannot make those irritations go away.  My kids were complaining about the pool yesterday like I was forcing them to go on a death march.  After an hour or so of too many bodies, too bright sunshine, too loud voices, too many unwanted splashes of water in my face, I called "uncle" and allowed us all to retreat or our own corners in our house.  Best decision of my life.

6.  The repeated warnings to check on the elderly has served as a reminder that I have no more elderly loved ones to check on.  And that makes me very, very sad.

7.  Going to a Milwaukee Brewers game in 101 degree heat isn't the smartest of ideas, even if you can bring in your own food/non-alcoholic drinks (you can!), even if you move to nicer seats in the shade (you can do that too!).  It was blasted hot.  We stayed to the end (extra innings, even), and the car ride home was extra stinky.

8.  Wet, sweaty denim is disgusting (see #7)

9.  Little boys' feelings can get hurt by a snappy mom.  Feelings are best soothed by tender love, talking about the day they were born, and looking at old photo albums.

10.  It's never too hot for home baked chocolate chip cookies.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Scorching heat 
Tan lines
Goodman pool
No Mosquitos! 
Brewers baseball games
Bike rides
Lap swimming
Staying up too late
Visits from out of town
Moving too fast
Overdue pedicure
Listening to Paul Simon
And no rain in sight.