Long time no blog!
We have been b-u-s-y.
Among other things, we took our week vacation to Door County.
I heart Door county.
Here are some of the 533 pictures I have from that trip:
Firstly, we stopped at Bay Beach park in Green Bay. Have you heard of this place?
It is awesome - a city run amusement park that charges 1 - 2 tickets per ride.
And? the best part? tickets are 25 cents each.
In between the roller coaster and the giant slide,
we had the kiddos pose for a picture.
My three are on the right.
The four on the left are my older brother's kids -
the cousins that my children love so dearly.
We made it to our house late that evening.
We found my parents walking down the sidewalk, looking for us.
They had had their nightly cocktails and thought it was a good idea to search us out.
Fortunately, we came upon them only a couple of blocks from our house.
My parents do make me laugh (sometimes).
Anyway, here's our rental for the week:
Isn't she pretty?
Love this place. Feels like home.
What do I love about this place?
For one, the front porch, which is where we spend a lot of time
reading, watching the world go by, and solving all sorts of problems.
And at night, there have been many a card game played/
puzzle put together/
other games played
and drinks drunk there.
This is the view from the porch of the bay (Green Bay, which feeds into Lake Michigan but is much warmer). There is a sweet little public beach there and a boat harbor.
My favorite boat was the one with the Jolly Roger.
There's more!
This place has cable.
As in tv.
Something the children below are normally deprived of.
Many a Sponge Bob episode was watched
(which reinforced why we don't have cable).
But we didn't only veg out in front of the tv.
We played perhaps the best game ever invented
(and the name is escaping me... dang... oh! got it!)
Cranium for kids
(or something like that).
We tried playing this game on a vacation probably 5 years ago
and it was a disaster then.
Kids too young.
A total fun and riotous time was had by all.
Here is the aforementioned sidewalk.
No, these are not my parents.
That is my nephew (walking) and Three (riding his bike).
Our place is right in the heart of
Fish Creek which means lots of nearby shops
and restaurants
and general hubbub.
I like hubbub.
One of the destinations we frequented on our bikes/feet was Sunset Park.
As you may imagine, there are glorious sunsets there
which conclude with applause.
No lie.
yes, this is a picture of me and Bob while I take a picture of Bob. So artsy! |
But the people and the tour bus leaves prematurely.
Because it is only after the sun has set that the best part comes.
We spent some time at the beach.
Actually a couple of beaches.
This one is Peninsula State Park.
Oh, did I mention my favorite Palestinians were with us?
Yes, my bro
Mark and his wife Aisha gamely joined us for the week.
Mark was pictured above in one of the sunsetty pictures.
Here is Aisha, floating on my floaty on the beach
(don't ask).
Oh, here's Mark again.
Just thinking...
probably about how great of a sister he has...
We're not good, as a group, at doing group photos.
But we captured this one below of my parents
and (almost) all of their 7 grandchildren.
Can you spot the missing grandchild?
That would be Three, who is temperamental about getting his picture taken.
We finally did get Three to participate in a group photo.
See how happy he is?
Did I mention we celebrated my parents' 46 wedding anniversary while together?
Theirs is a sweet love.
Here's a photo of the best dad and granddad ever.
All of the grandkids love him to bits, and they should,
Oh, here's a good story.
It's a lemonade out of lemons kind of tale.
The kids were owl-y, and it seemed the adults were too.
At least, I was.
I'll own it.
We decided to head out to one of our favorite Door Co hotspots.
(what? you didn't know Door Co had hotspots?
oh yeah, baby)
Turns out it was closed.
The mood in our car turned south.
There was yelling, tears, threats of big, bad punishment.
In my older brothers' car, they were probably all sitting perfectly,
solving mathematical equations,
or reading challenging chapter books
or even praying to baby Jesus in thanksgiving,
but not in my car.
It was Ug-Ly.
We decided to stop at a small
and I mean small
city park nearby where we were.
We hopped out.
The kids swung on the swings
and see-sawed on the see saw.
Sigh of relief, things seemed better.
But only for a moment.
A brother was mean to another brother.
Someone fell off the see saw.
Tears, fighting - it was all coming back.
We adults quickly found some inspiration in having some old fashioned fun.
As in three legged races.
And the trusty wheel barrow race.
Modifications of the race track were made.
I even got some video of some of it.
Unfortunately, all I have here is one photo.
But what started out as a disaster
turned into one of the more fun and unexpected moments of the week.
Love the fun and unexpected!
We eventually made it back (twice) to the hot spot:
where the kids could ride around a track on pedal cars
and play life-sized chess in the woods
and Bob and I could have a beer supervise them.
Time for another story.
This one briefer, which, you may have figured out,
is not my strong suit.
I've been to Door County dozens of times,
my parents even more than that,
and none of us had ever been to this park.
It was magnificent.
Waves crashed on the shore.
Frogs were swimming in the little pools of water.
Butterflies floated.
A family enjoyed a picnic on a hidden beach.
The water (Lake Michigan) was c-c-c-cold.
50 degrees, a sign said.
Two loved it.
So did Three.
For that matter, so did One and the rest of the gang,
but I didn't get pictures of that.
Nor did I get pictures of a nice little walk in the woods we took afterwards
where we climbed to the top of "Old Baldy"
which is the largest sand dune in the state.
Who knew that Wisconsin had sand dunes?
Here is a gratuitous cute picture of my niece
who stayed the whole week with us,
along with her brother,
while their parents and older siblings returned home.
It's a sign of a good day if you can hang out in your swim suit all day long.
And here is my Two, showing off his new favorite skill
taught to him by aforementioned cute niece.
He now cartwheels everywhere he goes.
I could go on and on.
I do have 500+ more pictures afterall.
But I'll wrap it up with some photos that actually are from the last day of vacation
back here in Madison.
Mark and Aisha accompanied my wild bunch to the Memorial Union.
We ate and drank.
The boys swam one last time off the pier.
We ran into our cousin unexpectedly
which I've now done a few times this summer
which I love.
So much more to tell you...
Last day of the Goodman Pool!
First day of school!
The start of football!
Canning tomatoes!
Labor Day weekend hike in the woods!
But not now.
I'm getting ready to enjoy my first day alone
no kids, no husband, no work
since May 27.
Any guesses what I'll be doing?